
Recent blog posts

  • Olivia Lomenech Gill expose « Des mondes fabuleux », au domaine de la Roche-Jagu, jusqu’au 31 décembre. Entre immersion dans le décor, et proposition fantastique, l’artiste britannique affirme sa quête du véritable. Vendredi marquait un tournant pour la carrière d’Olivia Lomenech Gill, émue de voir ses œuvres réunies au château de La Roche-Jagu. Ses illustrations, tirées de quatre […]
  • Forthcoming exhibition at Le Chateau de La Roche Jagu, Cotes d’Armor, Bretagne. Click here to go to the website of La Roche Jagu
  • Absolutely delighted to be invited to be part of this fantastic exhibition at Le Scriptorial, le Musée d’Avranches, Normandie. A new body of work inspired by some of the spectacular manuscripts from the Library of Mont St Michel, which are included in the exhibition. Runs until March 2023. For more information click here to go […]
  •  I am honoured to be doing an event with acclaimed writer and human rights journalist Caroline Moorehead at Stirling University, where ‘Lampedusa’ is on loan as part of their year long programme about ‘Experiences of Exile’. 3-5pm Monday 18th March, all welcome.