Olivia Lomenech Gill expose « Des mondes fabuleux », au domaine de la Roche-Jagu, jusqu’au 31 décembre. Entre immersion dans le décor, et proposition fantastique, l’artiste britannique affirme sa quête du véritable. Vendredi marquait un tournant pour la carrière d’Olivia Lomenech Gill, émue de voir ses œuvres réunies au château de La Roche-Jagu. Ses illustrations, tirées de quatre livres : « Where my wellies take me… », de Michael Morpurgo ; « Les animaux fantastiques, vie et habitat », de J.K. Rowling ; « Muck & Magic », de Clare et Michael Morpurgo ; et « Medusa », de Jessie Burton, ont pris vie sous les yeux des visiteurs contemplatifs. Marie Le Seac’h, Le Telegramme, le 23 octobre 2022
I just wanted to post some photos of Jessie Burton’s ‘Medusa’ which is centre stage in the current exhibition at le Chateau de La Roche Jagu, here in the Cotes d’Armor in Brittany, and to celebrate the fact that Medusa has just been longlisted for the Carnegie Medals for text and illustration!!
I also wanted to say a big thank you or rather, merci bras, to La Domaine de La Roche Jagu and the incredible people who work there. I have never seen such a magnificent venue, and to be asked to show work here as my first exhibition in my newly adopted homeland of Brittany, is quite an overwhelming honour. The exhibition is presented in French, Breton and English, with translations by SVP Traductions and the Office Public de la Langue Bretonne. Thank you in particular to Nolwenn Herry, ‘chargée des expositions et des actions culturelles’ (a title I am quite envious of!), Graphisme/Graphic Design is by Ralph Wendel (who also took these photos for me, merci Ralph), and the Regie Technique or Technical Team who have done this superb installation (and who I could quite easily get used to have around all the time!); Denis Marc, Jean Luc Rault, Boris Delaunay, Christope Lecouflet, Denis Maybon and Marc Brouard. Also, last but not least though oft forgotten, the house, or rather ‘castlekeeper’ Isabelle Coret, who keeps four floors of medieval castle clean, I have no idea how!
Open every day, afternoons, until 31st December. For more information go to www.larochejagu.fr